Giving Tree Gifts Delivered
In the Season of Giving & Blessings, the Moose Lake Methodist Church United Women in Faith, and members of Moose Lake United Methodist Church once again answered a call from Lakes & Pines Community Action Council to help out a well deserving family. Lakes & Pines selects a family in need, and a “Giving Tree” is set up in the Church with ornaments listing items from the children’s Christmas Wish List. Members are able to pick an ornament(s) off the tree & purchase items for a child. Additional gifts are provided for the entire family as well. We are honored & humbled to help others in this way!
New pastor
Come meet our new pastor, Jeremy Woodley. He preaches Sunday mornings at 9:00 am.
Adult Sunday School
The adult Sunday School class meets at 8 a.m. Sunday mornings from September to May. The class is studying the book, "Matthew. The Gospel of Promised Blessings” by Matthew Skinner.
Facebook page
"Moose Lake United Methodist Church" is the name of our Facebook page. The Sunday morning service is live-streamed and recorded on the Facebook page. You can find the recordings on the Facebook page as videos.